Oliver Rae Turns 4!

June is the month for many celebrations here at Oliver Rae. Georgia celebrated her third year working with us, Jack has passed his probation, and last but not least, it’s Oliver Rae’s fourth birthday! Having been a small independent recruitment agency for four years, we thought we should hear from the boss lady, Lauren Jenkins. Asking her some questions about Oliver Rae, why she started it, what she values most about the business, and what sets us apart from other recruitment agencies. So without further ado, let’s see what she has to say…

What inspired you to set up Oliver Rae, and how has the company evolved since then?

It was Friday 1st of May 2020, I remember it like it was yesterday! It was so hot, the country was on lockdown and I was sunbathing in my parent’s garden, reading “Good Vibes Good Life” by Vex King. My client (now business partner) called me telling me he needed staff and that if I couldn’t help him he’d have to go to another agency. I was on furlough at the time and my hands were tied. But I did express how he wasn’t the only person calling me and that other companies were also reaching out, needing my help but I couldn’t help them.

After a 2 hour conversation with him (little did I know he was going to offer me an opportunity of a lifetime) I could hear him tapping away at a calculator and asking lots of questions. He then asked me “Have you ever thought of setting up on your own”.  Yes, I had! After around three years of working in the industry, I knew my next plan was to learn everything possible about recruitment and go solo. What I didn’t know, is that the opportunity was going to come so soon. Being only 25, I felt far too young to establish a business let alone during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. There were doubts… and a lot of them. The look of shock (or horror) on people’s faces when I told them what I was thinking of doing in such an uncertain time in the world.

But, what this pandemic did give me was time. Being in recruitment for the Manufacturing, Engineering, Industrial and Food lndustry you don’t get much of that – time to think about why all these companies were calling me directly, why they were contacting me asking for advice and updates on the market. All the years of building relationships and making a name for myself in a competitive industry, I was now very much a comfort blanket to a lot of businesses.

So after some real meetings and scribbling on lots… and I mean lots of paper, away we went. When I started to tell clients about my plans and what we were doing I could hear how excited they were. They filled me with confidence that I was doing the right thing and that any work they had they would push my way but nothing was guaranteed as most companies were closed or working minimally due to everyone being on furlough. Whilst I thought I had all the time in the world due to everyone being partially closed a customer who I had been partnered with for several years gave me an ultimatum. I had 7 days…. to be set up and ready to go or else he would have to source another supplier. Can you imagine that? One of your biggest, longest-standing clients saying they would have to go elsewhere?! I was not letting that happen. So away we went and it was all systems go.

Fast forward to now – we have supplied over 100 companies across the West Midlands with Temporary and Permanent staff. I am so proud to say that we have helped small businesses open their doors and get their machines running, assisted some of the UK’s biggest food suppliers to keep their production lines going, delivered the nation’s bathrooms and kitchens when you all went crazy spending your lockdown savings £££ on reinventing your homes, staffed brand new sites across the country for business removal firms, supplied cleaners and maintenance staff to get schools up and running all whilst head hunting engineers, machinists and tool makers in a candidate short market! There isn’t one customer that we haven’t given 110%, to supply.

Looking back over the past four years, what are some of the major milestones Oliver Rae has achieved?

Having a team of happy staff – I love nothing more than seeing them fulfilled in their role, hungry for success, and knowing they choose to work here because of the opportunities that we can give them. They put their all into their jobs and it shows their commitment to making this company a team success.

It started with just me, and not long after I hired Georgia, she became the best wingwoman I could ask for. She didn’t know anything about recruitment when she first started and now she’s our senior recruitment consultant. That’s a milestone in itself. From there we’ve welcomed Bekka and Jack onto the team and it now feels like we’ve got the right people within Oliver Rae to continue its success as we grow.

We are not punch in, do our time, and punch out people. We’re dedicated to keeping our clients and candidates happy, and if that means spending an evening trying to fill a role, or taking a candidate to work at 6 am, that is what we will do.

We have an excellent group of clients that we’ve actively chosen to work with and work hard to keep. Our relationships with all of our clients have been long-lasting. Many businesses are apprehensive about using recruitment agencies, in general, we’ve all been tarnished with the same negative brush.

But, our clients have met us, trusted us, collaborated with us, and believed us when we’ve told them we can get the job done. They’ve believed us, when we’ve told them we can get them the caliber of staff they’re looking for to join their team. And they’ve worked with me and my team and continue to work with us, which is a great milestone to hold.

Can you share a memorable moment or a key turning point in the company’s journey?

The growth that we have year on year has been key in our journey so far. Our retention rates of candidates that have been taken on in permanent positions for a number of our clients started at 87.5% in 2020 and they’re still there today!

As each year has passed, that percentage has only grown with 2023 being 94.87%, it’s an incredible feeling knowing the candidates we sourced are happy in their roles and they don’t see it necessary to leave, nor are our clients unhappy with the people we’ve provided for them. But I think our journey is just getting started, and I’m excited to see where it leads.

What accomplishments are you most proud of over the past four years?

  • I’m proud to see the progression of my staff and to see them learn everything about the industry. They’ve learned quickly and provide high-quality service to our clients and candidates. They know we don’t cut corners and we never sacrifice quality.
  • Hearing all the positive feedback from clients and candidates – we can’t control the outcome of every situation but we always do the right thing, a value we always uphold.
  • Assisting our clients open new companies – new sites – win a new contract – their success is our success.
  • Seeing our clients progress and grow on the back of the help that we have given them.

What have been some of the biggest challenges the company has faced, and how were they overcome?

In 2023 a big client of ours went under  – it was gutting for both them and us, consequently, it meant we also took a big hit. Many companies in different industries have taken a hit lately, it’s been quiet for everyone. We’ve been reaching out to new businesses and have been able to build something bigger and better.

What sets Oliver Rae apart from other recruitment agencies in terms of client and candidate relationships?

Communication – and yes the saying “we can talk the back legs off a donkey” applies to all of us. We are always here to listen and keen to advise. Our actions speak far louder than our words. Our values aren’t just some fancy jargon on a wall. We always do our best to support both candidates and clients.
Payment to workers is always right and on time – our workers go to work for money, as do we all! There is nothing worse than checking your payslip after a hard week at work and thinking “My money isn’t right” Therefore, everything is always fixed for them.
Honesty – if it’s something we can’t help with we won’t scrape the barrel or wing it we will always tell you. As with workers – our positions are all subject to requirements.

As Oliver Rae celebrates its 4th birthday, what are your goals for the next year and beyond?

To continue growing, to continue learning, to continue gaining new clients. It is a ruthless industry and I am not a hard-core sales person, to be honest, I am a pretty rubbish one. But I do know, I can do a good job – and our testimonials speak for themselves. If a company gives us a chance to work with them – we work hard to prove why they were right to give us it.