A Day in the Life of a Senior Recruitment Consultant, Georgia

a day in the life of Georgia, Senior recruitment consultant at Oliver Rae

Welcome to the behind-the-scenes glimpse into the fast-paced and ever-changing world of recruitment at Oliver Rae. We might be a small agency, but we’re mighty in our commitments to reshaping the hiring landscape. So join me for a day in the life of me, Georgia, as I navigate a typical day filled with challenges, triumphs, and everything in between as I work relentlessly to find the perfect match between candidates and clients.

June is the month that I started working at Oliver Rae and this year marks my 3rd year. It’s flown by! But it’s been one hell of a rewarding ride and I’m loving it.

The Morning Hustle

My day kicks off with a burst of energy as I dive into my morning routine. Computers turned on, emails scanned to prioritise for the day, and, of course, a cup of tea in hand before the phones start to ring. Today I have interviews scheduled for my candidates for one of our clients in food production. So, my morning consists of ringing each candidate to confirm they’ll be attending and making sure they’re prepared and any questions that they may have are answered.

Candidate Connections

A significant portion of my morning is dedicated to engaging with potential candidates. Phone calls and virtual meetings are lined up to understand their career aspirations, skills, and preferences. Even if we don’t have the roles they’re looking for straight away, I always keep them in mind for when they do. At Oliver Rae, the personal touch is our hallmark. It’s not just about filling roles; it’s about building relationships with our candidates and building trust with them as they rely on us to not only provide them with work but to bring them into a workplace they’re happy in.

Lunch Break – Networking

Lunchtime isn’t just a pause for me; I take this time to also connect with clients potential, new, and existing. For potential clients I like to give them a call, introducing myself, the company, and if they’re happy for me to drop by, I never go empty handed! Taking a bag of goodies with me I like the opportunity to put a face to a name and check out the clients location and get a feel for who they are, what they do, and how we can be of service to them and their workforce. Throughout the morning of non-stop phone calls and admin work, helping Jack, our Trainee Recruitment Consultant, get to grips with the nature of the job and show him the ropes is time well spent.

Afternoon Challenges

The afternoon unfolds with its unique set of challenges. From tackling unexpected client requests to juggling multiple roles, my adaptability to any given day shines through. I’m not called a master multi-tasker for nothing! Working at a small agency has it’s advantages – quick decision-making, personalised solutions, and direct communication with my clients and candidates, ensuring a streamlined process.

Client Catch-ups

Before ending my day, I make sure tomorrow morning will run as smooth as it can as I like to be prepared and at least 5 steps ahead! Calling up active clients to make sure their needs are met and if there’s anything else I can help them with. 9 times out of 10 they’re happy and there’s nothing else requested, however, some might add another role for me to tackle in the morning! Tomorrow morning I’m going on-site to conduct some on-site interviews for my candidates that had initial interviews this morning and were successful, so here’s to another good day!

Being part of Oliver Rae means everyday is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact. Whether it’s guiding candidates toward their dream roles or helping clients build their ideal teams, I find immense fulfilment in every interaction. I hope you’ve enjoyed a little snippet into a day in the life of me. Here’s to the next 3 years!

If you’re looking for a recruitment partner who values relationships and results, look no further than Oliver Rae. Give us a call on: 01922 895 635 or contact us via our contact form here.